September 2024 Newsletter – The Strategic Dialogue on the Future of Agriculture in the EU
Welcome to the September edition of The European Institute for Animal Law & Policy's newsletter!
Greetings to our readers in Europe and around the world,
This September edition of the newsletter is filled with comprehensive policy and legislation updates.
The remainder of the year is expected to be eventful, as the recently elected European Parliament will approve the new slate of Commissioners appointed by re-elected European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, with the Commissioners expected to take office in December. Earlier this summer, MEPs convened for their first plenary session in Strasbourg, where our advocacy team was on the ground, making inroads with new officials and presenting our positions in preparation for the upcoming confirmation process. While the composition of the European Commission is gradually taking shape, the list of candidates for Commissioner of Agriculture is still uncertain. The Commission will present its shortlist of nominees next week, on Sept. 17th.
Although some key positions are yet to be finalized, we have a clearer understanding of the policy directions the European Commission will be pursuing over the next five years, as the Commission officially endorsed the Final Report of the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture. This report outlines a challenging policy environment for animals in the EU. Our detailed analysis of the report is provided below.
To prepare for what we anticipate will be a challenging five years for advancing animal welfare, our Director of Advocacy, Olga Kikou, met with outgoing European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides. As Commissioner Kyriakides’ term concludes, this meeting was a valuable opportunity for the Institute to express our gratitude for her important work in support of animals.
In this edition of the newsletter:
Updates from the Institute
Key Takeaways on the Final Report of the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture
Animal Law News
Member States
International Law
Job Postings and Career Opportunities
Updates from the Institute
Olga Kikou, Director of Advocacy, will speak at the Conference on Animal Rights in Europe (CARE Conference) on September 14th in Warsaw, Poland and online.
Alice Di Concetto, Chief Legal Adviser, will present on recent developments in EU animal law during a webinar hosted by the Dutch Association of Animal Rights Law on September 25th.
Alice Di Concetto presented on animal protection rules in the fashion industry at the Union Internationale des Avocats’s conference, held in Milan, Italy on September 6th – 7th.
On August 20th, Alice Di Concetto gave a two-hour lecture at the Antwerp Summer University on farmed animals in EU law.
Media Appearances
Olga Kikou was quoted in a piece by ENDS Europe on the European Commission’s Report of the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture.
The Institute’s perspective on the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture was also featured in EUnews, EUreporter, and Politico’s Agri Newsletter.
Olga Kikou was interviewed on the European Vegan Summit’s podcast, “EVS Talks,” on August 13th. In the episode, Olga provides an analysis of the new political dynamics in the European Parliament and their implications for animal welfare.
Olga Kikou was quoted in a July 26th Euractiv article on President von der Leyen’s “Vision for Agriculture and Food.”
On July 19th, Olga Kikou was quoted in The Brussels Times, commenting on President von der Leyen’s speech to the European Parliament.
Olga Kikou was quoted in a June 27th article by Food Ingredients First on the potential positive impact Ukraine’s EU membership could have for animals.
Alice Di Concetto contributed a chapter on animals in EU law to the book Nordic Animal Law, edited by Professor Birgitta Wahlberg. Click here to obtain a 33% discount on the book.
Key Takeaways on the Final Report of the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture
If you are unfamiliar with this topic, here is some context:
In 2020, the European Commission committed to revise the animal welfare legislation, including ending the use of cages in response to the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) “End the Cage Age.” In addition to a ban on cages, the European Commission presented a series of options for legal reforms in a roadmap made public in August 2021.
In October 2022, the European Commission published an assessment of the existing seven EU farm animal welfare laws, and concluded that current laws fell significantly short of both guaranteeing the welfare of animals and ensuring fair competition between EU producers. Just as serious progress appeared within reach though, the process began to suffer considerable delays. The European Commission took another six months to produce an economic impact assessment of the proposed reforms. This document was never made public.
In July 2023, the Review Scrutiny Board (RSB) – a rather opaque committee in the European Commission whose task is to approve new legislation – eventually approved the reform. The Commission then announced that the publication of the proposal for new legislation would be delayed until October of 2023 (as opposed to the third quarter of that year). In December 2023, instead of publishing the four proposals for new legislation, Commissioner Kyriakides confirmed that her administration would only be able to publish a proposal for new regulation on the welfare of animals during transport to replace Regulation 1/2005 on the Protection of Animals During Transport and Related Operations. Commissioner Kyriakides further announced the publication of a proposal for new regulation on the welfare of cats and dogs.
The revision process on the other three regulations pertaining to farm animal welfare has since stalled. This prompted the Citizens’ Committee of the “End the Cage Age” ECI to challenge the European Commission before the Court of Justice of the European Union for failure to act. The Citizens’ Committee seeks to force the Commission to publish the proposal for new legislation and make public the documents supporting it, including the economic impact study. This EU legal action is still pending.
The “Strategic Dialogue on Agriculture” in a Nutshell
In January 2024, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced the launch of a new policy initiative: “The Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture.” As part of this initiative, President von der Leyen created a new advisory group to develop guidelines for the future of EU agricultural and food policy. The European Commission appointed 29 participants from various sectors, including representatives from farming, business, and NGOs. Among the 29 participants invited, only one animal advocacy organization, Eurogroup for Animals, was included. Last week, on September 4th, 2024, the advisory group produced a report summarizing their vision for the future of EU agriculture, called “Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture: A Shared Prospect for Farming and Food in Europe,” coordinated by Professor Peter Strohschneider, a German academic who specializes in medieval history. It is unclear how much input the European Commission had in the final draft of the document, but President von der Leyen has endorsed its content and will use it as a basis for the European Commission’s work program over the next five years.
A Disappointing Report
This 110-page document largely falls short in addressing food sustainability transition and animal protection reforms. Starting with the positive, the authors of the report:
Acknowledge the uptake of plant-based diets as a necessity for food producers and manufacturers to “[help] consumers embrace the transition.”
Recognize the need for “responsible” consumption of animal-source food and therefore advocate for an “Action Plan for the Plant-Based Foods” to enhance plant-based production. However, the scope of such an action plan should encompass the entire production chain, including animal feed, and not focus solely on human consumption.
Affirm the multiple negative externalities of animal agriculture, starting with deleterious environmental impacts. Specifically, the report emphasizes that animal agriculture is the sector that most urgently needs to meet reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants. Beyond environmental impacts, the authors acknowledge animal agriculture’s negative externalities on animal welfare and antimicrobial resistance.
Consider a mandatory animal welfare label on all animal-source products – pending the conclusions of (more!) feasibility studies and impact assessments.
Unfortunately, the positives of this report are ultimately overshadowed by its many shortcomings. These shortcomings include:
Further delay on the revision of farm animal welfare legislation. More specifically, the authors recommend pursuing the revision, but delaying the revision until 2026. The authors provide no justification for such a delay, nor do they provide a specific timeline. As a result, it is unclear whether the authors recommend that the Commission publish proposals for new legislative acts in 2026, or begin the pre-legislative process from the start, by producing new feasibility studies and impact assessments that would replace the ones formulated in 2023.
A call for developing a strategy on the key role of animal farming in achieving a sustainable agricultural transition. However, the recommended actions do not include reduction targets in the number of farmed animals, nor a reduction in animal-source production and consumption levels.
A general commitment to “better [managing] co-existence with large carnivores” in a way that leaves this point open to interpretation, potentially undermining animal protection goals.
The fact that animals’ interests are rarely addressed independently. Instead, the authors consistently balance animal protection issues with the economic competitiveness objectives of animal agriculture.
A Problematic Report in Light of Transparency and Democratic Principles Governing Legislative-Making
More generally, the Institute finds this report to prioritize consensual wording over specific asks to the detriment of substantial commitments for regulatory action, and clarity regarding the timeline for policy actions.
As a result, the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture: A Shared Prospect for Farming and Food in Europe reads like yet another addition to the profusion of reports, strategies, roadmaps, studies, etc. that the European Commission has produced over the past decade, but almost always fails to implement. The now defunct Farm-to-Fork Strategy, published as recently as 2020, is an example of such documentation.
More importantly, the Institute is concerned about the transparency of the process that led to the formation of the advisory group responsible for drafting this report. The formation of such an advisory group increasingly seems like a way to circumvent the Legislature, specifically bypassing parliamentary representation and direct democracy. On the issue of animal welfare, over 1 million EU citizens expressed their support for banning the use of cages in EU animal agriculture in 2020. These citizens expressed their demand through a European Citizens’ Initiative, a direct democracy mechanism provided by the EU constitutional treaty . The European Commission itself, as a co-legislator, has recognized the legitimacy of citizens’ call for a cage ban, and so had committed to proceed with the measure, before reversing course.
At the Institute, we are deeply concerned to see that the Commission has turned to an advisory group whose members were appointed under opaque procedures. The Commission ostensibly sought to ensure a balanced nominating process, with parity among public and private interest groups. However, the end result of the report undoubtedly reflects the influential presence of large industry groups. With environmental, food, and consumer organizations afforded representation, only one animal advocacy group was appointed. This is the opposite of what one might expect, given that the EU touts itself as the world leader in industrial farm animal production, and given that polls and ECIs have shown an overwhelming support among EU citizens for more humane policies toward animals. The Institute also questions why this group was not led by an elected official or civil servant, but instead was coordinated by a Medievalist academic who, despite some experience chairing institutional and political commissions, has relatively limited expertise in agricultural and food policy-making.
The effort to ensure animals’ interests are adequately represented and considered in EU policy-making continues. The Institute will continue to prioritize the welfare of farm animals and ensure that the European Commission fulfills its commitment to improve protections for animals used for food purposes, as a step to an eventual end of factory farming practices.
Animal Law News
Animal Law News in the EU
🇪🇺 EU
📝 New Laws
Farm Animals (Environmental Rules): Directive 2024/1785 on Industrial Emissions was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on July 15th, replacing the previous version of this act, Directive 2010/75 on Industrial Emissions. This revision expands the scope of the Industrial Emissions Directive by lowering the thresholds which industrial pig and poultry farms must maintain to meet environmental permit rules while also weakening environmental standards such farms must comply with.
Wild Animals (Nature Restoration): Regulation 2024/1991 on Nature Restoration was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on July 29th, and entered into force on August 18th. This Regulation requires Member States to adopt measures aimed at restoring natural areas in at least 20% of degraded land areas and 20% of degraded sea areas within the EU by 2030. By 2050, such measures should be in place for all ecosystems in need of restoration.
Corporate Due Diligence: Directive 2024/1760 on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on July 5th. The Directive requires companies with over 1,000 employees, and with yearly revenue above €450 million, to draft monitoring plans with the aim of identifying and preventing human rights and environmental risks in their production chain around the world.
⚖️ Rulings
Wild Animals (Wolves): In a ruling (C-436/22) handed down on July 29th, the Court of Justice of the European Union reinforced the protection of wolves under the Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC). The Court specifically ruled that a 2019 regional Spanish law that allowed wolf hunting was unlawful because of the wolf’s unfavorable conservation status at national level. In doing so, the Court specified that national competent authorities must take the conservation status of animals into account at national level, even in cases where the conservation status of a given protected species is favorable at regional level.
Wild Animals (Wolves): In a ruling (C-601/122) handed down on July 11th, the Court of Justice of the European Union reinforced wolves’ protection status under the Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC). The Court specifically ruled that a regional law temporarily authorizing the killing of wolves preying on herds was unlawful. In this ruling, the Court specified the conditions with which a Member State must comply when enacting rules derogating from the Habitats Directive.
Access to Documents: In a ruling handed down on September 5th (C-249/23), the CJEU offered a restrictive interpretation of Regulation 1049/2001 on public access to documents of the European institutions by declining to grant ClientEarth access to documents pertaining to fisheries inspection in France and Denmark. Despite recognizing the potential value of these documents for ClientEarth to effectively engage in the legislative process for the revision of Regulation on fisheries control system, the CJEU ultimately concluded that this did not constitute sufficient grounds for establishing an overriding public interest that would justify breaching the confidentiality rules governing the Commission’s investigative activities.
🔴 Infringement Procedures
Wild Animals (Birds): The European Commission opened an infringement procedure and sent a Letter of Formal Notice to the Netherlands (INFR(2024)4014) for failure to implement measures protecting black-tailed godwit, as required under the Birds Directive (Directive 2009/147/EC).
Other News
Food Labeling and Equivalence Standards (European Citizens’ Initiative): On July 24th, the European Commission registered an ECI entitled “Stop Fake Food: Origin on Label,” which demands that all products sold on the EU market must comply with EU environmental, health, and labor standards.
Animal Welfare (European Citizens’ Initiative): On July 24th, the European Commission registered an ECI entitled “Stop Cruelty, Stop Slaughter,” which demands to “gradually reduce the number of farm animals at a rate of 50% of the number of farm animals each year, and to progressively close all animal farms.”
Aquatic Animals (New Fisheries Rules): On July 22nd, the Council of the European Union updated fishing rules for the North-East Atlantic. These rules will soon be codified into a Regulation to improve the control of transhipment operations at sea, waste management from vessels, and the retrieval of lost gear, in addition to extending the geographical scope of the ban on bottom fishing. The Regulation also lists an additional 22 species, including common sole and cod, whose discard or release is prohibited.
Farm Animals (State Aid,): The European Commission approved a €700 million Dutch State aid plan to promote more sustainable and environmentally friendly animal agriculture. The plan will compensate farmers who voluntarily shut down their small and medium-sized livestock farms in certain regions of the Netherlands, so as to reduce nitrate emissions.
Farm Animals (State Aid): The European Commission approved a €20 million Danish State aid plan to support higher animal welfare standards for pigs and reduce the amount of tail biting and tail-docking on pig farms.
Farm Animals (State Aid): The European Commission approved a €53 million Danish State aid plan to support a more climate friendly dairy production methods.
Farm Animals (Free Trade Agreement): The Free Trade Agreement between Chile and the EU has been published in the Official Journal of the EU. Under this Agreement, the EU has increased duty-free quotas for canned poultry, pork, mutton, beef, and fish from Chile. The European Commission has not yet indicated when the treaty will come into force.
Companion Animals (Cats and Dogs Regulation): The Council of the EU adopted its set of amendments to the Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation on the Welfare of Dogs and Cats and their Traceability. Key amendments include the introduction of a prohibition on abandonment of companion animals; a prohibition on the breeding of extreme traits in cats and dogs; and a prohibition on the breeding of hybrid animals. The Council’s amendments also include stricter animal welfare rules in breeding establishments and the exclusion of extreme selective breeds in competition.
Member States
📝 New Laws
🇩🇰 Denmark – Farm Animals (Pigs): On June 26th, the Danish administration adopted a new set of animal welfare rules for pigs during transport in high temperatures. Operators must comply with the new rules by 2031.
🇫🇷 France – Wild Animals (Birds): On August 22nd, the French administration adopted a regulation prolonging the prohibition of turtle dove hunting until July 30th, 2025.
🇫🇷 France – Wild Animals (Birds): On July 30th, the French administration adopted two regulations prolonging the prohibition of Black-tailed godwit and Curlew until July 30th, 2025.
🇫🇷 France – Farm Animals (Labeling): On July 8th, 2024, the French administration adopted a regulation extending country-of-origin labeling requirements for all food delivery operators.
🇫🇷 France – Farm Animals (Environmental Rules): On June 10th, 2024, the French administration adopted a regulation weakening evaluation requirements for industrial pig and poultry farms. More specifically, farms with less than 85,000 pigs, and farms with less than 900 sows, will no longer be required to conduct an environmental evaluation before applying for an environmental permit. Previous rules required that farms with at least 40,000 poultry animals, and farms with at least 750 sows, had to conduct such an evaluation. This new rule thus exempts most industrial poultry and pig farms in France from environmental evaluation requirements.
🇫🇷 France – Companion Animals: The law (Loi n° 2024-317 du 8 avril 2024 portant mesures pour bâtir la société du bien vieillir et de l'autonomie) requiring nursing homes to ensure the right for residents to move in with their companion animals has been published in the French Official Journal on April 9th, 2024.
🇲🇹 Malta – Zoos: The Maltese administration adopted a new set of rules applicable to zoos. Zoos are now defined as “all permanent establishments where dangerous, exotic and, or wild animals are kept for exhibition to the public whether or not an admission fee is charged, with the exception of pet shops,” making Malta’s law on zoos one of the strongest in the Union.
⚖️ Rulings
🇧🇪 Belgium – Farm Animals (Slaughter): On June 11th, 2024, the Belgium Supreme Court (Cour de cassation) handed down a ruling against the animal protection organization “Animal Rights.” Animal Rights had obtained the conviction of a slaughterhouse on animal cruelty grounds, but the Belgian Supreme Court found that Animal Rights did not have standing in the case.
🇫🇷 France – Farm Animals (Force Feeding): In a ruling handed down on June 6th, 2024, the Strasbourg Administrative Court rejected a legal action from L214, which challenged the legality of geese and duck force-feeding for foie gras production.
🇫🇷 France – Farm Animals (Pigs): In a ruling handed down on May 30th, 2024, the highest French administrative court (Conseil d’Etat) decided in favor of the extension of an industrial pig farm.
🇳🇱 The Netherlands – Farm Animals (Pigs): In a ruling handed down on August 27th, the Court of Appeals competent in trade issues decided against the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture in a challenge brought by the pig protection group “Varkens in Nood.” More specifically, the Court found that the ministry had failed to provide enough explanation for allowing the caging of sows in a regulation. The Court thus required that the Dutch administration justify the proportionality of allowing the use of cages in pig production in light of animal welfare legislation and best available science.
Other News
🇪🇸 Spain – Wild Animals (Primates): The Spanish government launched a public consultation for the drafting of a bill aimed to protect primates (chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos, and orangutans) from exploitation forms that would go against their dignity.
🇸🇪 Sweden – Aquatic Animals: On June 4th, the Swedish government presented a bill aimed at increasing fish stocks in the Baltic Sea. The bill includes an extension in the trawling ban zone along the coast, a ban on bottom trawling in marine protected areas, and the introduction of a new eutrophication reduction target.
🌏 International Law
📝 New Laws
🇦🇺 Australia – Farm Animals (Transport): On July 10th, Australia adopted a law prohibiting the export of live sheep. This law will ban the export of live sheep by May 1st, 2028.
🇬🇧 United Kingdom – Companion Animals: The Pet Abduction Act came into force on August 24th, 2024. This new criminal legislation increases the penalties for companion animal theft.
⚖️ Rulings
🇦🇷 Argentina – Legal Personhood: The Supreme Court of the State of Tucumán ruled that family courts had the authority to decide custody and visitation rights for a companion animal in the context of divorce. In deciding the case, the court referred to the evolving legal status of animals under Argentinian criminal law and caselaw (Thank you Silvina Pezzetta for communicating about this update.)
🇧🇷 Brazil – Farmed Animals and Wild Animals (Deforestation): The Amazon section of the Brazilian federal court sentenced a farmer to pay 52 million dollars in damages to the Brazilian government for illegally deforesting thousands of hectares of forest to graze his animals. The court further ordered the farmer to restore the deforested areas. The court’s ruling came as the result of a legal action brought by the IBAMA, a research institute operating under the authority of the Federal Ministry of the Environment.
🇧🇷 Brazil – Farmed Animals and Wild Animals (Deforestation): The State court of Rondônia found two beef slaughterhouse operators and three ranchers guilty of buying cattle from a protected area in the Amazon rainforest. The court further ordered the slaughterhouse operators and ranchers to pay 764 thousand dollars in environmental damages.
🇵🇪 Peru – Legal Personhood: On June 28th, the Constitutional Court of Lima ruled in favor of transferring a fox named Run Run to a sanctuary. Run Run had been trafficked and recovered by the Peruvian authorities, who had subsequently transferred Run Run to a zoo in 2021. In this ruling, the Court recognizes that animals are sentient beings, and that they benefit from the constitutional rights of nature afforded by the Peruvian Constitution.
Other News
🌏 The World Trade Organization (WTO) published a compilation of amendment proposals to the sanitary and phytosanitary measures by WTO members.
🇹🇷 Turkey – Companion Animals (Killing): In July, the Turkish Parliament passed a law mandating the killing of stray animals. The Turkish Bar Association has called for an immediate withdrawal of the bill.
🇳🇴 Norway – Food Transition: The Norwegian health authority updated its official national dietary guidelines and now recommends people eat more plant-based foods and less meat products.
Conference – Canadian Animal Law Conference, September 27th – 29th, Toronto (Canada).
Conference – US Animal Law Conference, October 18th – 20th, Portland, OR (USA).
Conference – Defund Meat Conference, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, January 16th – 17th 2025, Heidelberg, Germany.
Conference – International Wildlife Conference, April 8th – 9th, 2025, Gulfport, Florida (USA).
Conference - CARE Conference, September 12th – 15th, Warsaw, Poland and online.
Conference – The European Vegan Summit, September 17th – 19th, 2024, online.
Job Postings and Career Advancement
Job Offer – The United Nations Environment Programme is looking for a Senior Program Management Officer to manage projects related to emerging or frontier issues in environmental law. Learn more.
Consultancy Work – Cruelty-Free International is looking for an EU Public Affairs Adviser. Learn more.
Law and Policy
European Food Safety Authority, Welfare of Sheep and Goats During Killing for Purposes Other Than Slaughter, EFSA Journal (2024).
European Food Safety Authority, The Use of High Expansion Foam for Stunning and Killing Pigs and Poultry, EFSA Journal (2024).
World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), Annual Report on Antimicrobial Agents Intended for Use in Animals (2024).
Charlotte Blattner and Jessica Tselepy, For Whose Sake and Benefit? A Critical Analysis of Leading International Treaty Proposals to Protect Nonhuman Animals, The American Journal of Comparative Law (2024).
Corentin Biteau et al., Insect-Based Livestock Feeds are Unlikely to Become Economically Viable in the Near Future, Food and Humanity (2024).
Anniek J. Kortleve et al., Over 80% of the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy Supports Emissions-Intensive Animal Products, Nature Food (2024).
Jane Kotzmann and M. B. Rodriguez Ferrere (ed.), The Legal Recognition of Animal Sentience Principles: Approaches and Applications (Bloomsbury, 2024).
Visa Kurki, What is Animal Dignity in Law?, Journal of Animal Law, Ethics and One Health (2024).
Cheryl Leahy, Jareb Gleckel, and Grace Brosofsky, A New Age of Animal Law, New York University Law Review (2024).
Carolina Cecilia Leiva Ilabaca, Exploring the Foundations of Animal Legal Rights: Towards a Sentience-Interest Pragmatic View, Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental, Num. 14/2 (2023).
Geert Van Hoorick and Elien Verniers, Some Explorations About Extending the Right to a Healthy Environment to Future Generations and Animals, in The Right to a Healthy Environment in and beyond the Anthropocene: A European Perspective (Edward Elgar, 2024).
Brigitta Wahlberg et al., Nordic Animal Law (Ethics Press, 2024). Click here for a 33% discount.
Care Fish Catch, Whitepaper on Fish Welfare (2024).
Changing Market Foundation, The New Merchants of Doubt: How Big Meat and Dairy Avoid Climate Action (2024).
Influence Map, How the Meat and Dairy Industry is Influencing the EU's Agenda to Reduce the Climate Footprint of Diets and Livestock (2024).
Calls for Contributions
The Stetson Law’s Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy is calling for papers to present at the 21st International Wildlife Law Conference, which will take place in Gulfport, Florida April 8th – 9th, 2025. Deadline to submit abstracts: November 30th. Learn more.
The Food and Agriculture Organisation is calling for contributions to the Global Perspectives on Geographical Indications Conference. Deadline to submit proposals for contributions: September 30th. Learn more.
The Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics is calling for abstracts on the topic of “The Ethics of Captivity” for the centre’s 2025 Annual Summer School, which will take place in Oxford, UK on August 4 - 7th. Deadline to send abstracts: February 3rd, 2025. Learn more.